Training camps in full swing
During the beginning of spring, several national teams and clubs visited the Czechia and Pilsen region to see what the Czech terrains for JWOC 2024 looks like. Training camps are ready for all interested teams.
So far, a total of four teams visited the JWOC 2024 training terrains – one from Sweden, one from Norway and two from Italy. Some took the opportunity to participate in the Czech O-Tour near Pilsen or Prague Easter races, which are not relevant for JWOC, but the orienteering in the sandstones is a great experience. The total number of runners who have completed any of the training sessions is reaching 70. The teams usually completed 3 to 6 training sessions during their stay. There are now ready 13 training sessions with controls marked with ribbons, by agreement it is also possible to run some trainings with the use of Sportident. E.g. the Swedish and Norwegian teams ran their training (mass starts) using Sportident.
During 2023, the junior national team of Sweden, Estonia and the team from Hong Kong should still complete the training camps. Will you join them?